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5 Best Fitness Games for Oculus Quest 2 & 3 (2024)

Here at, we are determined to shed light on fitness in the gaming world to help aid couch-dwellers locate their next source of inspiration. After all, with the pandemic swirling the globe, a lot of us are relying on video games for that daily dose of exercise. We're just hoping that these next five truly do push you in the right direction.
We've covered the Xbox Kinect and PSVR in previous editions — but have yet to dip into the Oculus Quest domain. That's where we'll be plucking out our finest workout routines and motivational trainers for this list. All you need in order to take part is a wide-open space and a pair of old ragged clothes. Oh, and, you know — an Oculus Quest 2. Bag yourself the bundle and you're ready to set out on your fitness journey.
Prepare yourself. It's time to flail those arms about and roundhouse kick your furniture a few yards.
5. Supernatural
If it wasn't for the monthly subscription price tag, then we'd probably be ranking this one a little higher. If, however, you haven't been thrown off by the thought of paying a monthly fee for access to Supernatural, then, by all means — read on. Just try to keep in mind that this isn't just a Beat Saber clone.
Supernatural boasts daily workout routines that combine top-tier fitness coaches with fast-paced exercises that evolve around your personal goals. And, with the inclusion of in-depth tracking, badges and leaderboards — Supernatural becomes the all-in-one fitness application that accommodates your perfect agenda. Just strap on your Oculus Quest and submerge into the spiralling typhoon of the Supernatural sphere.
4. Synth Riders
When it comes to working out from home — dancing definitely seems to make the biggest impact on our bodies. Of course, we can box our way to the podium and slice as many neon cubes as we want — but it's never quite the same amount of hard work as having to dance our way to victory. That's where things can get tough, and Synth Riders definitely ramps up the difficulty curve when it comes to fitness.
Okay, so you might be questioning whether or not this is another Beat Saber clone, but alas — it is not. Or, at least not much, anyway. In fact, Synth Riders tends to focus more on an entire body workout as opposed to just flailing your arms at flying neon cubes. That means, although having to go a little wild, that you can be rewarded for using your entire body as a controller. Duck, dive, dodge — and do whatever it takes to rake in those points. Just remember…it isn't a Beat Saber clone. Okay?
3. Dance Central
While on the topic of flailing arms about left, right and centre — it seems only appropriate that we store a Dance Central chapter in this list. After all, it is one of the most influential rhythm games on the market — and the Oculus Quest entry definitely soars just as high as any other instalment. All you need to start raving is a wide-open space and a thirst for the dance floor. Or, you know — the carpet.
Dance Central offers its standard library of chart-topping songs that drift from one trending genre to the next. Also included in the VR edition of the dancing hit is the ability to meet new players and chat in a redesigned lounge that accommodates both newbies and seasoned movers. So, are you ready to be inducted into the ultimate VR party?
2. OhShape
I'm almost certain that there's a game show that follows the same style of OhShape, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called or if it even exists. Either way, this VR game is definitely one of those unique concepts that you're going to want to stick around for. Just be ready to mould your body into all sorts of different shapes and you'll be set.
OhShape follows the same rhythm style as a lot of best-selling fitness games — but that's not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, having to swat away approaching obstacles has proven to be a fantastic method for burning calories and getting the blood pumping. In this case, however, you'll need to morph your body in order to pass through each soaring board. Like I said, you're going to want to prepare your whole body for this one — unless your Stretch Armstrong by default.
1. The Thrill of the Fight
What fitness list is truly complete without a boxing game to boot? Sure, we've covered the likes of BOXVR, Creed: Rise to Glory and the works in previous articles, but nothing landed quite as well as this Oculus Quest power hit. Of course, we've seen many of the same mechanics in rival boxing games on VR, but The Thrill of the Fight definitely homes a more realistic style that we don't often see.
While The Thrill of the Fight gets all of your muscle groups working overtime, the primary areas that get the most attention are your core and upper body. So, if you're a fan of the competitive sport, or just looking to build on your target areas — The Thrill of the Fight is definitely a worthy title for any Oculus Quest owner. Just don't go diving into the ring with Edward “Moneymaker” Price right off that bat, alright?