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5 Best Racing Games Like Warped Kart Racers



Warped Kart Racers recently launched exclusively on Apple Arcade, giving it that little extra nudge towards market domination over the subscription-based rat race. Unfortunately, being a game with iOS fans in mind, it does mean gamers with other platform preferences are left to scout out the alternatives. Though, being a karting game with a healthy selection of crossovers, it isn't exactly a hard one to pin down.

Like other karting games of its kind, Warped Kart Racers sees the likes of Family Guy, American Dad, and King of the Hill band together to form an ultimate racing bonanza. Complete with pick-me-ups and co-operative curveballs, it hoists the Mario Kart colors respectfully well. And it isn't the only one to do so, as you can see from these five alternatives.

5. Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix

Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 Announcement Trailer

Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix will definitely appeal to those who have been following the network since an early age. Thanks to Bamtang Games staying true to the golden faces of the beloved network, the roster is at least mostly recognizable. That said, there are a slew of new additions to the lineup, including YouTuber JoJo Siwa, among other global personalities.

The gameplay itself doesn't deviate from the source material, which is of course Nintendo's beloved Mario Kart. Players can choose from a list of 30 famous Nickelodeon characters, form a crew from over 70 NPCs, and customize a kart to boost its stats. Then, it's all about going for gold over a number of themed cups in the Grand Prix, all of which feature iconic landmarks and embellishments. And yes, there are indeed plenty of gadgets and gizmos to help shake up the tracks.


4. Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled

Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled - Reveal Trailer | PS4

Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled is the long-awaited remaster of 1999's universally loved karting game. The main overhaul you'll find here, though, lies not with the graphical enhancements, but the treasure trove of new features. From the kart customization to the variations of adventure modes, the Crash Tag Team Racing and Crash Nitro Kart packs to the in-game store — basically everything had a bit of TLC devoted to it, making it far more than a simple rehash.

Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled throws you back into the mind-blowing world of Crash and friends, a place where carbon, smoke, and questionable crates go hand-in-hand. Choose from a wealthy selection of familiar faces as you hash it out in a spool of manic courses, using dumb luck and brute force to belittle your peers. Basically, do what you did in 1999—but in high definition.


3. LittleBigPlanet Karting

LittleBigPlanet Karting Launch Trailer

LittleBigPlanet is an original IP that rightfully holds its place as one of PlayStation's earliest poster children. Although later succeeded by the likes of Astro Bot and the likes, Sack Boy and friends did have quite the heyday, which was complimented by a whole bunch of quality video games and spin-offs.

A spin-off that garnered a considerable amount of hype was LittleBigPlanet Karting, a PlayStation 3 exclusive that rivaled some of Nintendo's flagship entries at its time of release. It's goal, of course, remained the same, with players using projectiles, heat-seeking throwables, and grenades to overthrow their opponents on the track. The only real difference between Sack Boy and Mario was, you know, the places they put themselves in. Other than that, it was bread and butter karting fun.


2. Mario Kart Tour

Mario Kart Tour - Launch Trailer

To be fair, you could quite easily slot any Mario Kart game on this list and it would still wind up having the same ol' jargon. Thanks to Nintendo keeping the formula relatively straightforward these past however many years, we haven't had to learn new tricks to keep up with the times. The same applies for Mario Kart Tour, Nintendo's fourteenth entry in the acclaimed karting saga, and the first to dabble in the mobile waters.

Mario Kart Tour features biweekly cups and tours, both of which can be accessed via a rather lofty multiplayer hub. During courses, players must bid for points over wins by engaging with other drivers on the track. So, rather than clawing for the checkered flag, players must utilize their tools and projectiles to help dismantle the opposition. It's basic karting warfare, and we're all for it.


1. KartRider Rush+

KartRider Rush+ Official Launch Trailer

KartRider Rush+ does not try to reinvent the wheel. Not that it has to when a number of karting games that follow an almost identical blueprint already make major bucks off of it. And if games like Warped Kart Racers can sponge off of Mario Kart, then hey, why can't KartRider? It brings a similar amount of tools to the table, which makes it an equal in the eyes of its rivals. You know, something like that.

KartRider Rush+ is a pocket-sized arcade racing game for Android and iOS. Built to last, the game has you completing daily quests as you forage for unlockable karts, racers, and even pets to aid you in the arena. Outside of its gacha system, you will go head-to-head against over 20 million other drivers in one of the largest multiplayer hubs on mobile in 2022. So, if you want some healthy competition, as well as live to collect perks and cutesy pets, then be sure to pick up this free-to-play racer on the App and Play Store.


So, what's your take? Do you agree with our top five? Are there any racing games we should know about? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.

Jord is acting Team Leader at If he isn't blabbering on in his daily listicles, then he's probably out writing fantasy novels or scraping Game Pass of all its slept on indies.