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5 Best Naughty Dog Games of All Time, Ranked

The developers at Naughty Dog have brought many players, some of the best experiences within their time with the gaming medium. These are stories that have stood the test of time to become some of the most iconic, and longstanding tales we can look back on in gaming. While the settings and overall feels of these games might differ drastically, the quality that has been baked into their design remains the same. All of these aspects combine to build a stunning roster of titles. That said, here are the 5 Best Naughty Dog Games of All Time, Ranked.
5. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
We begin today's list of the best Naughty Dog games of all time, with an absolute classic. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves not only had enormous shoes to fill at the time, following up on the success of the first game. But it also brought with it a brand new vigor and sense of gravitas to the game's more cinematic gameplay. This served several important purposes but mainly fixed a lot of the qualms that players had had with Uncharted‘s first outing. Allowing these new additions was a fantastic upgrade to the old engine.
This engine not only allowed for smoother and more responsive gameplay, but it would allow the developers at Naughty Dog to stretch their muscles so to speak. In doing so, not only would Uncharted 2: Among Thieves have one of the most memorable stories in the series, but it would also have a stellar multiplayer component. The game also did a great job of being able to distill the action and bombast of the single-player gameplay. All in all, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is one of the best Naughty Dog games of all time.
4. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped
Switching things up quite a bit for our next entry. Next, we have Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped much like Uncharted 2: Among Thieves had a lot riding on its success. While the Crash Bandicoot series had been wildly successful with the first two titles in the series. Fans at the time wondered just how Naughty Dog would innovate on the Crash Bandicoot formula. Their answer would soon come with the release of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped.
This game would bring a lot of firsts to the series. Such as it is the first game in which players can play as Coco, Crash's sister. The main motivation for the game is your standard fare. But it is in the fantastically fun way that they present it that this game shines. Long story short, Dr. Neo Cortex is on the loose through time and players must travel back in time in order to defeat them. The gameplay of this title still holds up remarkably well even to this day. It is for these reasons, that we consider this title one of the best Naughty Dog games ever made.
3. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
For the next entry on our list of the best Naughty Dog games, we have Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. This is a title that when it was initially released, was highly praised by a number of outlets at the time. This is due to the phenomenal 3D platforming in the game, which still holds up remarkably well. That was far from the only praise that this game would receive, however, as over the years, it has been reevaluated and hailed for its stunning attention to detail. The funny and lovable characters, too were fantastic and still remain as iconic today as they were then.
Additionally, the game was really easy on the eyes for the time and had some of the most visually stunning graphics available. This lends itself well to the charming game world, which was lovingly fleshed out by the developers. Added to this fantastic world was a feeling of interconnectivity that was afforded to the game due to the fact that it notably didn't have loading screens, a feat for the time. Everything about this title from its story to puzzle mechanics, and phenomenal gameplay makes it one of the best Naughty Dog games to date.
2. The Last of Us
While our next entry tonally, might be as far from our previous entry as possible. The same commitment to quality remains. That said, The Last of Us, in many ways, has raised the bar for the stories it is possible to tell through video games. Through the emotional depth of its characters, and the quality of its writing. As well as the sheer amount of love poured into its presentation, it stands as a masterpiece of the medium. When the game was initially released in 2013 there was certainly anticipation. Few could predict the meteoric rise it would have.
This rise is in no small part due to the writing in the game. Which managed to ground the characters and make them feel human in the most inhumane conditions. The Last of Us was and still is, a title that fires on all cylinders from the beginning. Not only that it maintains that quality all the way through. There are many aspects to love, everything from the environmental design, to sound design, as well as the deliberate combat. But most of all it is the story that sticks with us. Because of this, The Last of Us is simply one of the best Naughty Dog games.
1. The Last of Us Part II
Now comes the time for our final entry, here we have The Last of Us Part II. Everything wonderful about The Last of Us, can be applied to its sequel. While the writing of the game did decide to take things in a bold new direction. The quality of the experience is undeniable. In The Last of Us Part II players not only get to learn more about characters that they love. But also new characters. And while initially, this was off-putting to some, the amount of care and effort that went into crafting the game's characters is certainly commendable.
A major area of praise and focus is within the game's overhauled combat system. The combat animations, as well as the general approach to combat, received an astounding amount of polish. The combat in the game is simply so rewarded and satisfying to engage with. This serves not only to bolster one of its predecessor's weaker points but also to heighten the experience of the game. To close, there isn't much to say about The Last of Us Part II that can't be felt by the players after finishing the game it's a shining example of what the video game medium can bring the world, and certainly one of the best Naughty Dog games.
So, what's your take on our picks for the 5 Best Naughty Dog Games of All Time, Ranked? What are your rankings of these titles? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.