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Moving Out & Moving Out 2: 5 Best Tips for Beginners

So, you fancy yourself as a F.A.R.T, do you? Good news — Moving Out’s Smooth Moves is on the hunt for new employees, and providing you can hurl a leather sofa through a stained-glass window in a fit of rage, then the job’s as good as yours. Right in the nick of time, too, as the town of Packmore is on the verge of introducing yet another slew of new opportunities to put those brittle hands to perfectly good use. That is, of course, so long as you’re willing to break a few boxes to get the job done.
Moving Out 2 has successfully managed to touch up the physics-based blueprint and rustle up even more chaotic content for budding packers to partake in. Need a few quick tips to help you along your way? Here’s everything you should take into account before signing the contract and enrolling as a fresh-faced F.A.R.T.
5. Prioritize Smaller Items
Each facility you excavate will have a number of moveable items, both big and small. The idea behind each level, really, is to shift every last trinket into the moving truck in the allotted time; the smoother the transition, the higher the rating. That’s all pretty straightforward stuff, so you needn’t worry about getting drowned out by convoluted story arcs or drawn-out objectives. Your goal, in short, is to work your way through each room and bung whatever it is you find within your grasp into the extraction zone. Simple.
Having said all that, there is a method you should follow in order to make the moving experience a little easier. To put it short, you’ll want to remove all the smaller items first, followed by the cluttered pieces that block any potential exit point. Doing this will allow you to move bigger items later on, and without the risk of damaging other smaller items along the way. In other words, prioritizing smaller objects will give you the flexibility to shift heavier products further down the line. So, if you can help it, try and refrain from throwing a lawnmower out of the window until after you’ve swept the crags and crevices around it.
4. Jump and Pivot
There are several tactical maneuvers that you can use in Moving Out, though the one you’ll be wanting to utilize the most is the jump and pivot ability. To cut to the chase — jumping makes you move faster, which means more time on the clock to spare, and an even better final rating to boot. If you can jump as frequently as possible—and with small items in your possession, no less—you’ll come to whittle down those early levels a lot sooner, which will lead to more perks.
It is worth pointing out that, while jumping can aid you in most situations, doing so when armed with a heavier piece can often lead to disastrous results. In other words, don’t attempt a pole vault down a set of stairs if you’re intending to keep those fish in the tank alive. Everything else, well, just go with it. PIVOT!
3. Stack Accordingly
When it comes to loading all of your items onto the truck, you’re going to want to do it in a particular order. First, you’ll want to remove all items from the property, and then separate them into three piles: heavy, light, and fragile. Once you’ve successfully managed to extract everything, you’ll want to start out by loading up the heavy items, which will provide you with a protective layer for your next items — the light, and the fragile. Next, you’ll want to stack the light items onto the middle layer, and then the fragile items at the very top. This will stop anything that’s even remotely valuable from breaking under pressure.
Of course, if you’re planning on going for gold, then you’ll need to pick up the pace and load up the three layers as quickly as possible. Do yourself a favor here and practice with each level a few times, if only to get used to the routes and the layouts of each map. And if you do happen to score a bronze or silver, try not to fret — there’s always next time.
2. Reverse the Roles
Fair enough, moving out is what drives the game forward. That being said, it isn’t the only thing you need to do as a F.A.R.T, believe it or not. In fact, after beating a couple of levels, you’ll have the option to put those repossession skills to good use in another type of mode — a Moving In mode, of all things. It’s within this mode that you can quite literally reverse the roles and play the part of a moving in expert, which, in all fairness, is twice as easy as the standard mode.
If you’re able to spare a few minutes away from the daily grind, then try and complete a couple of moving in episodes, as these will help you get a feel for the layouts and the items that will need removing in other core gameplay modes. It won’t progress the main story, but it will give you some additional insight into how the mechanics and other features work.
1. Never Move Alone
It goes without saying that Moving Out, being the multiplayer-driven game that it is, is best suited for several players at any given time. Don’t let this stop you from learning the basics on your own, though; the initial levels require little more than two relatively sturdy hands. It is worth pointing out, though, that if you’re after a higher rating with a much lower score, then you will, at least at some point, need to wrangle a friend in to join you on your journey.
Of course, the perks of working with another pair of hands are numerous; being able to complete objectives twice as fast, being the most obvious one. It’s also a great deal of fun, and not to mention exactly what developer SMG Studio intended it to be. So, if you’ve got the helping hands to spare, try and summon your friends whenever you reach a tight spot!
So, what’s your take? Do you have any useful tips for new fresh-faced F.A.R.Ts? Let us know your thoughts over on our socials here.