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Best Armor in Horizon Forbidden West

In a world like Horizon Forbidden West, owning quality weapons and attire is absolutely essential. To make a dent in the machines that roam the biomes of the fictionalized frontier, you're also going to need to scope out some of the Legendary armor sets that only few have the talent to unlock. Talents, such as being able to conquer the Hunting Grounds, or knowing exactly where to search in one of the region's scattered Relic Ruins.
The simple fact is this: if you're planning on making it anywhere in the Forbidden West, then you're going to need to acquire some sturdier threads. And if you happen to be on the market for some of the best on the frontier, then you should definitely consider stepping out of your way to obtain these Legendary kits.
5. Utaru Winterweave
To survive the brisk winters of the Forbidden West, you will need to adopt a series of stealth-based survival techniques. To make this slightly easier and less taxing on your psyche, you may want to consider pouring resources into crafting the Utaru Winterweave armor, a Legendary set that allows its wearer to shed any unwanted Plasma, Frost, Shock, and Purgewater damage.
The only downside to acquiring this armor is that, like many things in Horizon Forbidden West, it comes with a scavenger hunt, which will see you searching high and low for sturdy materials and deadly mechanical beasts. If, however, you can get your hands on 2,000 Metal Shards, 1 Apex Dreadwing Heart, and 1 Tremortusk Circulator, then you'll be able to visit the Stitcher in Thornmarsh, who will craft the armor for you on receipt of the required items.
4. Tenakth Vanquisher
If you're the type of huntress who'd much rather throw yourself into the thick of it and take the consequences as they come, then you're also probably the type to onboard your fair share of damage, too. And what better way to deflect the critical damage than to turn it into perks and additional last-minute powers when you're at your lowest? Thanks to the Tenakth Vanquisher armor, you can achieve exactly this, and then some.
Obtaining the Tenakth Vanquisher armor means one thing: if you bleed, so do your enemies. In short, the more withered you become from taking on damage, the more likely you are to receive spontaneous ability boosts. To get this Legendary set of armor, you will need to trade in a total of 54 Medals over at the Maw of the Arena. You can obtain Medals by beating the slew of challenges found around The Arena.
3. Tenakth Tactician
If you'd much rather play the field and avoid direct confrontation out on the monopoly, then you'll want to obtain the Legendary Tenakth Tactician armor, a suit that is specifically designed for those wanting to control the machines like some fickle puppeteer without onboarding any unwanted damage along the way. If that idea suits you down to the ground, then you will need to embark on a scavenger hunt for the Stitcher in Thornmarsh.
In order to get one of the best Legendary outfits in Forbidden West, you will need to collect 2,000 Metal Shards, 1 Thunderjaw Circulator, and 1 Apex Slitherfang Heart. Once you have acquired all items, bring them back to Thornmarsh, where the loyal Stitcher will use the items to craft the all-powerful Tenakth Tactician armor.
2. Oseram Artificer
If you're looking to invest your spare hours into working towards one of the best defensive armors in the Forbidden West, then you should definitely consider pursuing the Salvage Contracts. You will, of course, lose a huge chunk of your downtime to completing said contracts, but the payoff is certainly worth the trouble, and even more so if you're looking for all all-in-one armor set that provides a series of well balanced attributes.
After you have successfully accepted “Keruf's Salvage Unlimited,” you will be able to progress further along the Salvage Contracts quest chain. To obtain the ultimate reward, which is the Legendary Oseram Artificer armor, you will need to complete all 17 Salvage Contacts. There are four biomes you will need to explore to be able to find the appropriate contractors: Barren Light, The Stillsands, The Greenswell, and The Raintrace. Once you have beaten all contracts, you will be able to return to Keruf to receive the armor as a reward.
1. Nora Thunder Warrior
There's no doubt about it—Nora Thunder Warrior is the best armor in Horizon Forbidden West. Why? Well, because of its immense buffs that target all the core areas, of course. And as far as ranged combat armor goes, it packs the hardest punch in the game, making it an essential piece of attire for any huntress in need.
Unfortunately, acquiring said attire doesn't come cheap, as you'll quickly come to learn as you thrash it out for Medals down at the Maw of the Arena. If you can claim a total of 54 Medals from beating its thread of challenges, though, then you'll quickly evolve into one of the most fearsome warriors on the Western frontier. Double up and get your hands on the Death Seeker's Shadow Hunter Bow, which can also be obtained at the Maw of the Arena, and you'll become an unstoppable force with all the tools and fabrics needed to conquer mountains.
So, what's your take? Do you agree with our picks for the best armor in Horizon Forbidden West? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.