Best Of
5 Best Silver Swords in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

To make it anywhere in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Geralt of Rivia will need to be armed to the teeth with a wide variety of weapons, namely a steel sword, and a silver sword. Question is, with so much content to onboard, how can you go about claiming any of these blades? Or more specifically, how can you go about claiming the best blades that The Continent has to offer?
Fortunately, The Witcher 3 isn't the youngest game in the world, which means we've had plenty of time to scrub its world clean and claim just about every reward for doing so. As a result, we now know precisely what it takes to conquer not only the story, but just about every side quest and challenge outside of it, too. With all of that said, you should aim to collect these iconic silver swords the next time you plan on embarking on a worldwide adventure.
5. Tor Zireael
- 540 – 660 Damage
- 20 – 25% Igni Sign intensity
- 5 – 15% Quen Sign intensity
- 20% Freeze
- 1 – 2% Instant kill
As it stands, the best weapon for conjuring high Freeze damage is Tor Zireael, a legendary relic that just so happens to pack one of the heftiest punches in The Witcher 3. However, if you're planning on getting it for your inventory, then you're going to need to slug through the main story and then begin a New Game+. And even then, actually finding it as a loot item on an enemy is ridiculously high, which annoyingly makes it more of a myth than anything else.
If you happen to be one of the one-percenters who manage to claim To Zireael, then you'll be in receipt of one the best silver swords in the base game. Its Sign intensity stacks up higher than any other relic, and it also deals some pretty powerful damage, even before filling out any of its three available Rune slots. Bottom line is, if you're planning on returning to The Continent in the near future with a New Game+, then you've just found your go-to silver sword for the adventures that lay ahead.
4. Tlareg
- 540 – 660 Damage
- 2 – 20% Igni Sign intensity
- 12% Freeze
- 1% Bonus XP from monsters
As far as top-shelf silver swords with near-perfect DPS go, Tlareg is actually considered to be one of the best in The Witcher 3. And the perks that give it that platinum status are the added Freeze output, and the 20% Sign intensity. When combined with the raw base damage, the silver sword quickly becomes a go-to primary weapon for any encounter, big or small.
To get the legendary relic, you will need to venture out to the northern part of the Kaer Muire fortress. Note that you will need to exceed the level requirement of 67 to obtain it, which means you'll also need to do some serious grinding before being able to wield it for future battles.
3. Gesheft
- 508 – 620 Damage
- 30% Aard intensity
- 100% Critical damage
- 15% Critical Hit chance
- 15% Poison
- +5% XP from monsters
Technically, the Gesheft sword is even higher powered than any of the other obtainable silver swords in the game. In fact, due to its monumentally high base damage being off the charts, it's actually considered to be one of the best weapons, period. But as with any legendary weapon that comes with astronomically high attributes, getting your hands on it requires a bit of hoop jumping.
The good news is, there are actually two ways to get the Gesheft silver sword, one of these being to simply craft it using the following materials: 2 Leather Scraps, 2 Enriched Dimeritium Ingot, 1 Acid Extract, and 1 Sapphire. The second way to obtain the Gesheft is to venture out to The Land of a Thousand Fables, kill the Cloud Giant, and follow the pixie light to the sword's location. It is worth taking into account that the crafted variant actually performs slightly better than the one found in The Land of a Thousand Fables.
2. Cantata
- 576 – 704 Damage
- 150 Armor piercing
- 75% Critical Hit damage
- 15% Critical Hit chance
- 15% Bleeding
- 15% Stun
Hands down one of the most stylish silver swords in The Witcher 3, the Cantata comes pre-equipped with an overwhelmingly high base damage of up to 704. Add the fact that it also comes bundled in with some intense armor-piercing and bleeding damage, and you've essentially got yourself one incredibly mighty weapon, and one that can take down even the largest of foes.
To unlock the Cantata silver sword, you will need to complete the quest “What Lies Unseen,” which can be obtained by playing through the main quest chain in the Blood & Wine expansion. You will find the sword, along with a key quest item, on a dead body while playing through the objectives. This particular quest comes with a suggested level of 47 or above, so be sure to boost your level before onboarding it.
1. Aerondight
- 522 – 638 Damage
- Each strike increases damage temporarily by 10%
- 100% Critical Hit chance when fully charged
- Killing enemies when charged permanently increases damage
If there was ever a Holy Grail of silver swords, it'd be the legendary Aerondight, no questions asked. Thanks to its massive base damage output and ability to double your critical strikes, the deadly blade becomes one of the most powerful in all The Witcher 3. Obtaining it, on the other hand, comes with a few hurdles, some of which only the most experienced players will be able to tackle.
To get your mitts on Aerondight, you will need to begin the Blood & Wine expansion quest “There Can Only Be One.” You can pick up this quest thread by heading to the notice board and taking up the “Test Yourself with the Trials of the Virtues” pamphlet. Once collected, you will need to prove yourself worthy of wielding the epic silver sword by undertaking a series of hunts #, tournaments, and challenges. The suggested level for this thread of quests is 43.
So, what's your take? Do you agree with our top five? Let us know over on our socials here or down in the comments below.